Studio News
April 2020 through June 2020
All in-person activities are cancelled including the Musicianship exams and the annual recital. Lessons will continue to be held online for the remainder of the studio year. Watch for email updates for the summer session.
March 2020
Update: Due to the pandemic, all lessons will be conducted online beginning March 30th.
The studio is closed March 20-27 for the annual MTNA conference. Lessons will resume on March 30th.
The studio is closed March 20-27 for the annual MTNA conference. Lessons will resume on March 30th.
February 2020
Students are preparing for the WSMTA Annual Music Artistry Program. The studio will be participating on February 22. Our Visiting Artist is Dr. Jensina Oliver. Good luck to all the students: Aubrey, Kathryn, Katherine, Nancy, Grace and Nathaniel!
January 2020
Welcome to the New Year!! Lessons resume on January 6th.
December 2019
I hope you are all enjoying the seasonal music that students are playing. Enjoy our holiday break--the studio will be closed December 19 through January 3.
November 2019
Congratulations Grace on your performance at the SKCMTA workshop with Lisa Bergman on the Young Accompanist. You did a fabulous job!!
Reminder: the studio is closed November 26-29.
Reminder: the studio is closed November 26-29.
October 2019
Students are busy preparing some spooky pieces for Halloween! We are also beginning our planning for the Music Artistry Program held in February. Grace is working hard on a Dvorak Sonatina for Violin and Piano that she will play for the South King County Music Teachers Association at a workshop in early November.
September 2019
Fall lessons are off to a good start! We are focusing on good practice strategies to make the most of our time at the piano. I will also be traveling first to Cincinnati for the MTNA Leadership Summit as part of my duties as President of WSMTA, and then to Yakima for the annual WSMTA Leadership seminar. It's a busy month for everyone!!
August 2019
Summer lessons conclude August 21...there will be no lessons August 26 through September 6th due to Labor Day and the start of school.
July 2019
Summer lessons begin July 1, 2019. I am looking forward to seeing everyone for the start of the new studio year!!