Lessons are currently being held in-person in the studio--mask optional.
For more information on lessons for the intermediate student:
For more information on lessons for the intermediate student:
Intermediate Students
Students at this level expand their knowledge of keys, harmonic progressions, musical style and history, play more complex rhythms, and further develop listening skills as they fine-tune tone production to increase their artistry. Performance experience continues to expand as student interest warrants. Longer and more complex pieces from each of the historical musical styles provides the opportunity to stretch technical and musical boundaries.
In the Hollenback Piano Studio students at this level are completing their methods books, expanding their theory understanding by exploring chords and basic harmonic structure, and beginning repertoire by the grand master composers.
Baroque repertoire would include select dance forms from Anna Magdelana's Notebook by Bach. Sonatinas by various classical composers (Clementi, Kuhlau, Diabelli, etc.) expose students to sonatina/sonata form and longer scale passage work.
Introduction to Romantic style develops tempo choices, voicing challenges and pedal considerations. Modern compositions provide a wealth of "new" sounds requiring close attention to score details and the exploration of the piano as a percussive and melodic instrument.
Technical challenges in the repertoire are supported with daily scale work in major and minor keys, and formal etude studies.
Students at this level may begin to participate in festivals, competitions, masterclasses and other performance opportunities. More formal evaluation of students' progress is offered through a number of options including musicianship exams and performance evaluations through WSMTA and the Music Development Program of the Royal Conservatory of Music.
Students at this level expand their knowledge of keys, harmonic progressions, musical style and history, play more complex rhythms, and further develop listening skills as they fine-tune tone production to increase their artistry. Performance experience continues to expand as student interest warrants. Longer and more complex pieces from each of the historical musical styles provides the opportunity to stretch technical and musical boundaries.
In the Hollenback Piano Studio students at this level are completing their methods books, expanding their theory understanding by exploring chords and basic harmonic structure, and beginning repertoire by the grand master composers.
Baroque repertoire would include select dance forms from Anna Magdelana's Notebook by Bach. Sonatinas by various classical composers (Clementi, Kuhlau, Diabelli, etc.) expose students to sonatina/sonata form and longer scale passage work.
Introduction to Romantic style develops tempo choices, voicing challenges and pedal considerations. Modern compositions provide a wealth of "new" sounds requiring close attention to score details and the exploration of the piano as a percussive and melodic instrument.
Technical challenges in the repertoire are supported with daily scale work in major and minor keys, and formal etude studies.
Students at this level may begin to participate in festivals, competitions, masterclasses and other performance opportunities. More formal evaluation of students' progress is offered through a number of options including musicianship exams and performance evaluations through WSMTA and the Music Development Program of the Royal Conservatory of Music.
copyright Hollenback Piano Studio